How to Deadwood Your Half Dead Tree Safely

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Ask your friend about “deadwood” and they may tell you about the popular television series. But ask a professional tree expert, and they’ll tell you about a half dead tree.  That’s because deadwood is an area of a tree that has died, and if you don’t take care of it safely, you could lose your tree,

When to Call a Professional Tree Expert

Are your tree branches dry, brittle and easily breakable? Are they missing bark, or failing to grow needles or leaves? More likely than not, you’re dealing with deadwood—a sign of poor health or damage. Whether it’s the result of disease, insects, insufficient light or root damage, a half dead tree requires the help of a professional tree expert for deadwooding.

What is Deadwooding and Does it Require Tree Limb Removal?

Many trees are self-pruning, which means they’ll drop their lower branches when they’re getting less sunlight and no longer needed. This is part of a tree’s natural growth process. Sick trees can’t self-prune and require deadwooding—professional tree limb removal from the tree’s canopy.

Benefits of deadwooding include:

Maintaining the tree’s aesthetic beauty
Put simply, deadwood is unsightly and detracts from the beautiful tree that enhances your property. Deadwooding improves the tree’s aesthetic value by correcting its overall shape and balance so you don’t end up with a dead tree.Removing these unattractive sections ensures it grows into its proper shape.

Ensuring safety
Dead branches and limbs will weaken and eventually detach and fall from the tree. Wind can also break off the deadwood and send it airborne. Without professional dead tree limb removal, you have a huge safety hazard for people and your property.  

Preventing heartwood damage
When deadwood breaks off from your tree, you risk exposure of the heartwood, which is the tree’s main support. Without the help of a professional tree expert this can lead to the accumulation of water, fungus, insect infestation or decay.

Prevent a Dead Tree

Maintain the health and beauty of your trees by keeping your eyes peeled for damage. More importantly, don’t try to take on the process of deadwooding yourself. Without the proper training and tools, you could lose the tree that you love and risk even more dangerous issues.