Professional Tree Service Is Worth It!

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Winter is coming…and in Central Texas, that means your trees are at risk. And if your trees are threatened, your property, your home and even lives could be as well. Hiring a professional tree service company gives some peace of mind knowing you’re better protected during extreme weather. But is that expert tree care really worth the investment?

Top Reasons Hiring a Tree Company is Worth the Cost

While a bit of limb breakage is inevitable during storms, more severe weather can pose a risk to your property and value. You have much better chances of coming out of it unscathed with proper tree cutting and care. Chances are you don’t want to be the one climbing up 50 feet in the air and pruning branches, but you may feel like the investment in professional tree service is more than you can manage. The truth? You can’t afford NOT to hire a professional. Let’s take a look at all the value they add.

  • Property Value
    The old saying that money doesn’t grow on trees isn’t exactly true when it comes to the marketability and value of your home. According to the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, a stable, mature tree can add $1,000 to $10,000 your home value. When an entire street is tree lined, homes may be worth 25 percent more.
  • Energy Savings
    During winter, your trees can help block the wind, saving you big in energy costs. In fact, American Forests estimates that trees placed thoughtfully your house with adequate tree cutting care can reduce the need for heating by 20 to 50 percent. While some people are interested in large tree removal for aesthetic reasons, often, keeping them around is best unless they’re a threat to your safety.
  • Environmental Benefits
    When storms hit the state of Texas, uncontrolled runoff can have disastrous effects. Believe it or not, a tree company can help keep your trees healthy to slow water before it hits the ground, preventing erosion and recharging the aquifer. By forming tunnels for water to seep into the soil, one large tree can intercept up to 6,000 gallons of rain yearly, locking up carbon in its branches, leaves and roots. Trees also remove pollutants from the air and release oxygen, with the Houston Regional Forest reporting that those in the Houston region removes 60,575 tons of pollutants, valued at $295.7 million annually.
  • Health Benefits
  • Studies show that patients with views of trees outside their windows heal faster and with fewer complications. Children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder show fewer symptoms when they have access to nature. And exposure to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue.

Invest in Professional Tree Service

Curious about the value of your trees? Worried about one that seems close to your home and considering large tree removal? It may be time to partner with a tree company. If your property is full of a variety of species, you should commit to caring for them professionally. Experts can evaluate your existing trees, create a maintenance plan and recommend new ones that can add value to your landscape.