Why You May Need Tree Clean Up Services After a Storm

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Strong winds, lightning and torrential downpours can literally destroy your trees. The hours and days following a major storm are the most crucial when it comes to taking care of your storm damaged trees. But chances are you don’t know the first thing about the cleanup process. That’s why after a storm, it’s imperative to contact your local tree trimmers who know the difference between needing emergency tree removal service and when a tree can be saved.

What to Do When Dealing with Tree Storm Damage

Property owners often just want to get everything cleaned up quickly after a storm barrels through, but quick and hasty decisions can cause you to remove a tree that had the potential of being saved. Tree cleanup services is a science, and you need professional local tree trimmers on your side to get the job done right. Here are some questions to ask yourself after the storm. 

Can I handle this by myself?

You can certainly begin by surveying the damage yourself, but be cautious and alert. Are huge limbs hanging or broken? If so, avoid standing underneath them, as they can fall at any moment. Would you have to climb high or use a chainsaw to take care of them? Unless you’re highly skilled with both, leave it to professionals who handle tree trimming and emergency tree removal service with the necessary equipment required to take care of the situation properly.

Can my tree be saved?

Unless you’re one of the local tree trimmers, you probably don’t know the answer for sure. Professionals won’t be quick to remove a tree. They’ll see what they can do about saving it first. They’ll survey the damage and, with their training, see if they can decrease the risk of decay at the wound. When it comes to storm damaged trees, the smaller branches require pruning at the point where they join with bigger ones. Whereas unskilled homeowners may attempt a cut mid-limb, professionals will make preferred cuts back to forks or main trunks, which is advanced work that should only be performed by a skilled arborist. When it comes to smaller branches involved in tree storm damage, preferred cuts help a tree to recover more quickly.

Can I repair the tree bark?

This is a part of tree clean up services you may be able to do yourself. Find the jagged edges of the bark, and us a sharp knife or chisel to carefully smooth it out. This will deter insects from building hiding spots and enhance the tree’s appearance. When performing this on your storm damaged trees, avoid exposing more of the green-tinged under bark, which contains the lifelines of food and water between the leaves and roots. Try not to overprune. Even if your tree doesn’t look perfect, you’ll be amazed at how quickly it will heal and return to its original beauty.

Should I cut back my trees to avoid future tree storm damage?

No! Shortening the length of the branches won’t prevent breakage during a storm, and in fact, it may end up causing you to require emergency tree removal service. “Topping,” or cutting the branches to stubs is actually one the most detrimental things you can do to a tree. With the stress of the storm, your tree needs all its resources to recover. Topping the tree decreases the foliage, which is a huge source of food and nourishment required for regrowth.

Trees play an integral role in the health and beauty of our environment, so after the ugliness of a storm, you should really leave the tree clean up services to the professionals. Your local tree trimmers are knowledgeable, trained and ready to help.