How to Deal with Root Collar Disorders

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If you’re like most people, you take great care of your trees, pruning them regularly, keeping pests and disease at bay, and enriching them with fertilizer. But many people forget about the most important part of the tree: the roots! A buried root collar can go unnoticed and prevent the life-sustaining support your tree requires.

A Tree with Roots Exposed is a Healthy Tree

Every tree has roots, but if the root collar isn’t exposed, you could have a problem. The collar is where the tree trunk (or stem) and the roots meet creating a root flare. When this gets buried underground, it’s time to call a professional for an excavation technique called root collar exposure.

Signs You Need Tree Service

As the root collar loses function, the supply of nutrients and water diminishes. This can cause root dieback, susceptibility to infections and the risk of complete tree death. To prevent this, be sure to look for the following symptoms:

  • Dieback of upper canopy
  • Leaf margin burns
  • Leaf necrosis
  • Pale leaf color
  • Yellowing of leaves

Symptoms like these can go unnoticed for years if you’re not actively examining your trees regularly. If you start to see any of these signs, have a look at the ground. If you can’t see the root collar, it’s time to call a professional tree service. With their knowledge and expertise, you won’t have to worry about further damage.